adhd assessmentWhat happens following an ADHD Assessment?A psychiatrist will conduct an ADHD assessment to determine the extent to which ADHD symptoms impact the child's life and rule out other conditions. The doctor will go over the symptoms and request a report on behavior from teachers. The doctor will then determine if the diagnosis can be conf… Read More

It is illegal to sell CBD oil without a license. However, there are hemp stores in the UK. These shops offer CBD products that meet all legal requirements. You need to have a valid certificate from Health and Safety Executive (HSE) which confirms that CBD oil is safe and clear to sell. You might need an additional license to market CBD-infused food… Read More

You might have been told that vintage clothes don't cost more than you think. This isn't true. You can find beautiful elegant and stylish clothes at only a fraction of the cost. You can even tailor vintage clothes to fit your body. You can also find many designs and sizes in antique shops, and you can also buy accessories and shoes to complete your… Read More

For children who are having difficulties at school, a private ADHD assessment may be a viable option. A psychologist who has experience with ADHD will ensure that your child is assessed correctly and will provide you with the most accurate results. A specialist can also provide a detailed report that will inform your GP about your condition. This i… Read More